Awarded to the lottery which produces the largest year-over-year increase in funding for good causes.
The Sharon Sharp Award recognizes and honors the lottery which achieved the highest percentage increase in net funds contributed to its beneficiary. Ultimately, this is what we’re all in this business to accomplish … maximizing the funds contributed to lottery beneficiaries. The top line can go up a little or a lot, or maybe even not at all. But regardless of sales or anything else, the true measure of lottery success is what has been done for the Good Causes that it supports. So, we think of this as a very special award because it really homes in on what matters most. This award is named in honor of a person who is no longer with us but who has done as much as anyone to help this industry be the best that it can be. Sharon Sharp embraced the true mission of lottery with an enthusiasm that always reminded everyone of just how privileged we are to be a part of this industry. Sharon’s focus on the good causes that depend upon lottery performance inspired Rebecca Hargrove and Sharon’s many friends and colleagues in the industry to name this award after her, to honor Sharon’s memory and keep alive a legacy that will hopefully inspire future generations to appreciate the importance of our calling and to never lose sight of its purpose.